Sunday, April 14, 2024

Scientific Utopia: Poem

 California, August 4028.

Mainstream organic robotic interface mirth.

Twenty-third century Earth

And the Black Galaxy giving birth

To settlements on Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars

Rebuilding ruined ecosystems by flying space cars.

Genetic arts and bionetwork success

Contributed to the scientific utopia mess.

Disorder, confusion, and mandatory labor

Empowered by political leaders in favor.

Sample model from pre-industrial society

Busted up the human-a-like morality.

Millions of human-a-like residents

Limited movement in settlements

Based on territory control

And lessons from history overall.

"I guess, I will dive into the wreck

In the spaceship derelict

To the darkness between the stars."

The secrets from the past x-rayed with radars.

Group of imps, green as an elf,

Very loyal to themselves

And the code they invent,

Isolated, betrayed, and facing the end.

All above is a Sci-Fi blend wrath

Of fantasy and detection within benchmarked path

And an epic century-long journey,

Imaginary fantasy, hunted in dreams, and earthy.

Really, what will happen after climate change?

Probably, something outrage and very strange.

Perhaps, there will be ashes and dust.

Will they come alive at last?

Keep away dirty minds from the red button!

Don't leave the future to the Satan!

Don't make our planet rotten!

Turn on another question:

Who decides what it means to be human?

Here comes a new topic of humanity and men.

This one is not from utopia.

I promise to keep it real as tilapia.

Spontaneous, unpredictable

More or less in price range for food.


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