Thursday, April 18, 2024

Contemporary Story of Time: Short Story

 After all, this was not a winning haircut. It was sharp and short, and very elegant. The stylist did a good job with her hair. It developed a contemporary look and a great spirit, which was created above it. This is of something extra for what you pay your tips for. Where to draw the line between losers and winners? Is it the oral interview? The professional appearance can give you some extra credits. Unfortunately, the mind is made up and the administration or the panel of the authorities know exactly for what they job-hunt.

The tone of the story based on a true story. The purpose of it is motivation, and to help to come out of growing symptoms of depression. Also, to reflect and sort the thoughts and perhaps to learn from the mistakes. What a hake?! It is worse to make mistakes but have to learn from them and move on. Her vision was farsighted, and she was always living in one-step ahead, looking into the future. Besides, this is someone who's favorite phrase is "Hurry up!"

Past, present, and future once again merged together in this situation. The past gave strength of years of experience. The present gave a comfort, that was built up step-by-step of previous events and happenings. It was always enough of projects and major tasks, which challenged the professional ego and fitted the comfort the soul. As for the future, was she played safe was not brave enough to look into the changes that surrounded the uncertainty of the future. Did she look far enough for the future path? Who would imagine that after it was given once, it could be taken away? It came out of nowhere. Now, deal with this situation.

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