Monday, October 25, 2010

Keep on Top of Your Reading

Reading it self as an educational and recreational process is priceless.
As we, in the library community, continue to guide people to read the recommended lists of books, we are forcing and shaping the minds of the next decade of the twenty-first century. But it is the reader source for practical wisdom on how you can live richer life, and even change your daily existence, your community - and the world - instead of setting for the status quot or something else's outdated idea of the unrealistic dreams. With so much to read, how do you sift the good from the goofy? Well, what about book reviews and clippings from local newspapers, commentaries, firsthand reports, interviews, and even cartoons.
I like to read the editorials in the magazines, enjoy photo essays by cutting-edge photographers, useful introductions to excerpted articles that place issues and ideas in context, good slogans that steer my imagination, expedite to express it in lyrics with creativity.

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