Monday, December 8, 2008

Let's Use the "Ask-A-Librarian" Services

There are top ten reasons to "Ask a Librarian":

1. We’re available 24/7 – whether it's 2 am or 2 pm.
2. We work with users wherever they school, at home, at work…anywhere.
3. Responses can be in real-time through chat or usually within a few hours through e-mail.
4. We provide step-by-step instructions to utilize Virtual Library resources.
5. We can help students, faculty, or staff develop search strategies for various resources.
6. We post Frequently Asked Reference Questions and answers on the Virtual Library's AAL page.
7. We offer suggestions for sources of information that may help users find answers they need.
8. During chat sessions, librarians demonstrate on-screen how and where to search.
9. We provide users with either a transcript of a chat session or an e-mail reply for future reference.
10. It's an information maze out there, and; with "Ask a Librarian", you are not alone.

Ask a Librarian Chat service provided by Librarians.

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