Thursday, April 16, 2009

Libraries Work Because We Do!

New Virtual Library is available to students, faculty, and staff! The new interface design is big improvement - the operating structure, groupings, features in color, literature and research information by schools in one bundle, emphasis on the most popular reference resources, color illustrations with visual affect, and, even, monthly LRC happenings.

I love our Virtual Library! It is a modern jewel in contemporary librarianship. It is on the road with green light to reduce both cost and environmental damage. Part of the education is learning the skills throughout browsing, acknowledging research, finding and evaluating the right information. The user-friendly digital subject-oriented library resources carefully selected by programs offered by our educational institution together with E-Reference services maintain a support system for primary education.

The Virtual Library is open 24/7 and available from any place and at any time. I am looking forward to encourage our student-faculty body to use it. After all, there are multitask usage effects from education to green environment - getting high honors in academic achievements and benefiting of not creating carbon emission.

Go ahead and successfully join the research team!

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