Saturday, June 27, 2009

Annual Report is Due in July

The fiscal year past very fast. The July's Annual Report is almost ready. There are variety of scheduled events, activities, and programs that are converted to statistical information with moderate commentaries and wordy reports. The collected LRC data on a monthly base is the strong preparation tool. However, this year, there are gaps between November of 2008 to February of 2009, developed due to college remodeling. This period was bold and weak. The service was conceptual and library staff lived up on a survival mode, step-by-step.
Hot tropical summer is fun time for families. July is most busy month of the year: LRC inventory, Bookstore inventory, statistics and reports. We are learning from the past and looking into the future to make significant and exceptional contributions to our college community.
Our students got a cozy LRC with twenty-one computers and fifty-five thousands digital resources in new Virtual Library to study and learn. Our faculty members are helping more then ever before. We have the green light support from staff and administration. All above adds up to finish the 2008-2009 school year in a good standing.

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