Tuesday, January 30, 2024

"Birds and Cages" by Ida Tomshinsky


5-star review for the book entitled "Birds and Cages" by Ida Tomshinsky.

We are not afraid to say that we are fascinated by birds. 
Flying birds always provoke human admiration. 
There is this unexplained mysterious feeling that surrounds us 
when watching birds on the forest trees, in our backyard, at the ocean, sea, or lake. 
Birds are an infinite treasure of inspiration for humans, 
waking us up in the morning with beautiful birdsongs. 
Their little brain is of a size of an unshelled walnut 
and is associated with intelligent behavior 
and the same capabilities of humans and apes' mental tasks. 
When you think about all the animals in the world, 
you quickly realize that birds are, in fact, 
among some of the most intelligent creatures we have on earth. 
Although there are more than ten thousand bird species worldwide, 
only a handful of them have made the list 
for the extremely talented and incredibly intelligent. 
So, who are these super intelligent feathered friends? 
It is difficult to pick one. Perhaps kea, ravens, and crows are equally smart; 
while macaws, cockatoo, and jays are on the top of any list too. 
Who knew that an African gray is capable of working out the location of hidden food 
by using the kind of deduction and elimination skills previously seen only in humans and apes? 
And as you probably have heard, they are exceptional talkers! 
Today, we all know that it is bad to imprison birds in cages, 
but it was not always the case throughout the history. 
According to Stephen King, "Some birds are not meant to be caged, that's all. 
Their feathers are too bright, their songs too sweet and wild." 
Due to beautiful poetry and cultural expressions, t
he flying bird became a symbol of freedom and independence. 

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Mammunt Americanum: Poem

 "Mammunt Americanum"

O' Mastodon, Mastodon, no pardon,
Become extinct many years ago!
Natural causes have come and gone,
And Mastodons have gone.
Ice Ages have come and gone.
Climate has often changed the lawn.
No "special offers" for the biggies.
They denied adjusting like other species.
Wide range of choices for many on Earth!
Progress and catastrophe -
Two sides of a fortune.
The Mastodons denied adjust to survive.
All what is left: are fossils, the bone,
And skeletons from ten thousand years ago.
Midwestern giants proudly stand on display
In museums from the past to the current day.
Unfortunately, they cannot play
And plunge the teeth in shrubs and trees.
They do not browse between meadows and herbs.
But they still fascinating us
The same as many million years in the past.
The history is full of things that lost.
Archaeology solves the puzzles that last.
The fame of prehistoric beast
Attracts the worldwide scientific interest.
The museums are telling us
The natural story of the oldest animal
To explore the land of Native Americans.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Alexander the Great

 "Alexander the Great"

The war was over.
The goal achieved.
The nobleman yield:
"Darius is dead!"
Greece generals and solders
Kept their fortunes
Far away from Macedonia
Till Asia Minor and India's borders.
Persians collaborated with conqueror,
The Alexander the Greater,
The man of spirit and action.
He led the militias with ambition
To success and progress of nation
In ancient civilization,
In 334 B.C.E.
Without any merci.
Twenty-two years old king
Touched the souls
And transformed the world.
The brilliant soldier fought with fearless courage
And died with honor in a very young age.
Certainly, he lived with fierce
And left behind a lasting myth.
He master's in diplomacy and destiny
To resist the barbarians
In the Hellenistic history
Making a world's story alive
For me and you in the 21st century.

Kahlil Gibran Quotation


"It takes a minute to have a crash on someone,

an hour to like someone,

and a day to love someone...

but it takes a lifetime to forget someone."

(Kahlil Gibran)

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Full Moon


According to any astrology book,
"When you look
At the full moon,
You will change very soon."
There is a three-wish task
For love, money, and health to ask.
The fool of me wants love
From above.
This time, I pass, my honey,
Right now, I have to ask for health.
I never ask for money.
I go and work for wealth.
I watch the full moon tonight
As any fool.
It is beautiful,
Round, and bright.
"Such a perfect moon in the dark night!' -
Its leads the mood to be delight!
Instead, I do not ask my moon
For any favors opportune.
I simply want to look
At it again to 'ooh' and 'woo'
Like a good friend
On another end.
Perhaps, I am a 'lunatic.'
I cannot avoid being a fanatic.
Some unknown force
Makes me a fan of the Milky source.
My delusion came from the full moon,
And my obsession of the night infinity.
I might need to take a spoon
Of some medicine from my deficiency
To fight the moon dependency
To get it right tonight.
The full moon fantasy
Is already works and brights some life light.


When the universe speaks, it sends some signals to Earthmans.
This the is the new year's first full moon called the 'Wolf Moon.'
The prediction is that it brings passion and energy.
Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences of natural science.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Exclusive Data Center Research Results: Poem

Some people are academic smart,

Other have talents in arts.

Some people have knowledge and skills,

Other are smart from the streets.

How to measure person's IQ?

There are formulas,

Bar and graphs that give the clue

To scientists, preachers, and fools.

All I know, when you read

You cannot quit.

Reading is a lifetime affair

That trains every brain-squire.

The T.Y.B-ee

Is free.

Train your brain

Without any special aim.

There are endless solutions

With new technologies

And data center operations

With highly valued methodologies.

Thanks to virtualization,

Everybody can use imagination

For innovated capabilities

To maintain both privacy and reliabilities.

Everybody will meet the user's demands

By utilizing the helping hands.


Saturday, January 20, 2024

Gender Roles and Responsibilities

Exploring gender roles and responsibilities can lead to some thought-provoking discussions. It' s fascinated how societal expectations and norms can shape our perceptions of what tasks are traditionally assigned to certain genders. Let us engage in the value insights and promote conversations about equality and breaking stereotypes in 21st century compared to what!? Perhaps to past decades, past centuries and civilizations; also, to other countries and their ethnical traditions. Both time and place would affect subject developments.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

No Place Like Home

Dorothy was right,

No place like home

For solders in fight

Against predators of the mainland 

For sweet homes,

By making the heroic flight

Against the treats and bombs.

For kids, border-battles are fun,

Until someone steps over the line.

It is not about to win the game

For the Hall of Fame.

I might be an aging baby boomer,

But I feel safe to know that the longest-flying bomber

Is an emblem of US military strength and calm

That demonstrated military actions,

Not once and twice, 

From Afghanistan to Vietnam,

And this is difficult to decline.

When people are far away from home,

Sometimes they cry -

"No place like home!"

This is way,

It is always on my mind:

Home, sweet home.

(Ida Tomshinsky@2024)

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Homemade Baking '24

Chocolate mini muffins

Heart shaped pastry with cranberry

Yogurt cake is a pleaser of the sweet tooth tasters. 


Right Line Must Turn Right!


Right, right...

Who would write it?

Does he or she have the right

To turn the turns?

A rule, a regulation, a restriction 

To give an authority...

Maybe he or she is too right.

How to measure the right of being right?

Why conservatives are too right?

And what means to be too left?

How many "rights" you have to make to be right?

And finally, may the turn left

Will make you wrong?


Thursday, January 4, 2024

A Cradle Poem

When the sun is down

The Master looks for the stars,

And... ops, a mistake,

He dropped violet.

Gray and orang, purple and red,

Now is time to go to bed...

Moon will come out;

Will give you some light,

Mama will smile,

"Good night and bye-bye..."

(Tomshinsky, Ida @)

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

On Success


Is it a factor of risk

To sacrifice for sake of success?

Success comes in different faces.

It is always a race. 

Everybody has his own case

Toget advanced and raise,

Both personally and professionally.

Hard work and integrity,

Great goals for the family

Have a good base.

I say it literary:

It is only in the Webster's dictionary

Success comes before 'work,'

Both personally and professionally.

American immigrant dream

Dedicates to improve the lives

For children and family,

To celebrate equal opportunities and freedom.

Ta-tam, dom-dom!
