Saturday, January 20, 2018

All About Birds

Men have held a fascination with birds for a very long time. To us, humans, bird watching activity comes naturally. In general, we are a nation of wildlife lovers; and everyone has an extra love feeling for birds. What is so special and unique about birds? For different people, there are different answers. For some, watching birds in a natural habitat is an effective and reliable way to gain perspective and relieve stress. To others, they are so magical. They are interesting to watch because they are beautiful, inspiring, and fascinating. Birds are cheery and lovable. Birds make life beautiful. Their songs wake us up and put in a great mood. Birds songs are one of the most beautiful sounds in the nature. Not everyone knows, only male birds are singing. Unlike instinctual calls, the complex pitch, rhythm, and structure of true bird songs must be learn in early life. To attract the mate, a male bird calls other birds from the forest. Some birds like parrots or superb lyrebird know how to imitate voice and sounds. Captive birds have been recorded not only the owners’ talk but also the ability to mimic the ‘industrial’ sounds of chain saws, car alarms, and camera shutters.

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