Friday, May 15, 2015



When I am watching the ants,

The analogy with teamwork of do and don’ts

Comes to my re-constructed visions –

That came with my new glasses

And transitional lens

Letting me see from sunlight to indoors.

Wow, changed mission and vision statements?!

What it has to do with ants?

Ants, ants, ants:

Social interacts.

Ants, ants, ants

Always around, so focuses and organized,

Very talented arcane brigade

That was made

Of amazing insects, wingless,

From a different time -frame, and fearless.

Adapted survivors of cold and hot,

Could be the messengers of God.

Personal characteristics –

Detailed oriented, check;

Extremely organized, check;

Affable, easy to get to know, check;

Action-oriented, again a check!

So, who they are hiring?

Customer service representatives

Dedicated to accomplish the organization’s

Mission and goals.

O, my God, they are looking for ancient ants,

The social interacts,

Talented arcane brigade,

The amazing wingless insects,

Endless ants,

Ants, ants, and more of ants.


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