Thursday, April 23, 2015

What is Life?

What is life?
Nothing more than a mere tragedy making a life of its own.
Should we just accept it
Or should we just fall into the deception that everything has fair win?

Love that vanishes
Even when you try your best to hold on tight.
A love that can break by just stepping on a crack

What is the reason of this?
Continuing on and on throughout the mess of our fathers.
Where is the change that can bind us?
Where is the change that can really change us?

Seeing that the sky is blue and
Knowing the sky is blue are two separate things
Our eyes in our perception are what blind us.
They blind us from the truth that our mind is at rage about.

What is life?
We cannot let the opportunity go to waste.
To change the world is what we need.
To let everything else non-important wait.

Ospino, Cristina (2015) "What is Life"

Who I Am? [Part 2]

I am human
Trying to find purpose
I am a hero
Trying to hide my wounds
I am free
Trying to break free of my chains
I am perfect
Trying to find some inner peace
I am me
Trying to find
Who I am.
(Fraga, Melisa (2015) Who I Am?"

Photography: Ida Tomshinsky, 2013

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Where in the world it could be?

After the April showers, sun came out...
Is it industrial era country part of France or England?
Take an intelligent guess. Perhaps 17th or early 18th century...
Photography: Ida Tomshinsky, 2013

Monday, April 13, 2015

Who I Am?

I am brave
Even though I am a coward
I am strong
Even through I am completely fragile
I am fearless
Even through I hide in the corner
I am a fighter
Even through I am more of a lover
I am hopeful
Even through I see nothing but flowers
(Melissa Fraga, 2015)
National Poetry Month: 'poem in my pocket'
Photography: Ida Tomshinsky, 2014

End of the Era

End of the Era

Change agent

Is an important digital instrument.

New future levity

Gives birth to modern technical ability,

And brings on capability:

Convenience, speed and flexibility.

First, our students learn;

Later, they earn

New future levity,

Knowledge and capability!

New cities have been raised –

And new technology added

Liberal arts

Are in the past.

Science and technology benefit

Where study and learning meet

In the new levity fit

And professional opportunity’s tweet

Now, more than ever,

Say goodbye to the old era.

Ida Tomshinsky©2013

Friday, April 10, 2015


"If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies." (Unknown)

Photography: Ida Tomshinsky, 2015