Monday, February 4, 2013

Red Hearts in February

JaNEWary past very fast, and we are already in February. There are many red hearts in February. Love and health of the human hearts are essential in February. What is a heart? From medical perspective a blood pump, "the viscus of cardiac muscle that maintains the circulation of blood." There are people with big hearts and great souls, and they are our role models that making our lives meaningful and pleasant. Also, there are people that called heartless, people without a heart, or people who have hearts from steel. As usual they are associated with mean, selfish people, who do not care about others. But once a year, we the people with red hearts have a possibility to reach out to other people with red hearts, to people with purple hearts, to people with small hearts, and to people with broken hearts. The miracle happens in FeBRUary. The hearts are taking over the soul, the hearts are commanding the mind and brain, people start to think with a heart or hearty, or heartily. Let's celebrate great hearts of our love ones, and spread the goodness of our hearts making life meaningful not only in FebBRUry, but all year around.

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