Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Weather Effect

We are very fortunate to live in a climate where winter weather stimulates 365 days...with exception of a few.
It's time to stop letting a bulding belly, saggy behind, or jiggly thights ruin the day. Think about how much power are giving to one measly body part when stand in front of the mirror, scold for not being an inch better, and then pull over the dark-colored baggy clothes to hide behind.
The body-shaping menu plan, a shape-up plan, and stick-with-it tips learned from both plans. They are great tools.
The shape-up success program is on! The most important to feel good, and a good plan always was a beginning to stop the negative self-talk that can sabotage any good efforts.
Weather effect definitely helps to move on and to get more firmer and more flatter.

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