Friday, August 28, 2009

Information Cascade

This is interesting. In 2008, Time magazine asked,"How many blogs does the world need?" claiming that there were already too many out on the super highway of information. The blogosphere has grown at a tremendous rate, with tens of millions of active blogs generating hundreds of millions of postings per year (

This activity leads to a huge amount of information. The question is, if you have ten minutes a day to spend on the blogosphere, which blogs should you read to keep track of the big stories?
I recommend the LRC Digital Newsletter for librarians, students, and faculty members. Please join and be my guests!

A good blog captures good stories and creates a large information cascade. An information cascade is a spread throughout the blogosphere at a tremendous rate, with tens of millions of active blogs generated hundreds of millions of postings per year.


1. Kinsley,m. "How Many Blogs Does the World Need?"- Time Magazine, Nov. 2008; www.timecom/time/magazine/article/0,9171,860888.00.html

1 comment:

Mickey said...

Thanks for the info! Always good to surf this blog.