Friday, August 20, 2021

Balance: Poem by Ida Tomshinsky

When you aging with grace

The destination point to embrace -

The connection between nature

And popular culture rolls in balance.

The ora, the light from above, captivates you

And helps to lead the crew.

The beauty of Earth will amaze you.

The current events will make you to brew.

Leading thinkers will inspire to look for the true,

And experience will empower you.

The friendly cows will greet you with "moo,"

And owls will "ooh" wisely for you.

The ideas, big and small,

Provide life justly for all.

Ida Tomshinsky, 2007.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

New book "Protection from Sun and Wind"


The book Protection from Sun and Wind is a new book about the great outdoors and the logical topic of protecting from the elements of sun and wind, with use of common fashion accessories, from both historic and geographic perspectives.

Feeling good means looking good, and this could be translated as wisdom of words of health and wellness. The lessons of solar exposure, melanoma, and the skin cancer awareness do not mean that we should stay indoors. The Florida Author, Ida Tomshinsky, invites you to grab some sunscreens, protective clothing, and sunglasses. Get ready to learn about the sun power and changing environmental factors in hot summers and in cold windy winters. The storyline in the book makes readers to think about makeup and fashion accessories of the past and present times, to make the connection between the seasons, places, people, and events that occurred years and miles apart, and in the end, all the pieces will fit together in one complete puzzle.

The book is a continuation of the History of Fashion Accessories Series with new topics of cosmetics, and exposure to the elements of sun and wind.