Tuesday, June 23, 2020

For Many, Books are Essential

While it’s so easy to fall prey to a routine of endless scrolling on social media or even a good Netflix binge, you should use some of your time indoors productively. In other words, people who are accustomed to being online still find value and pleasure in non-electronic reading. After all, balance is key to a healthy and happy lifestyle. People are definitely buying stacks of books. More people are buying what might be called ‘ambitious reads,’ or big, fat books. Practically speaking, bookshops are taking measures to prevent the spread of disease while recognizing the need to feed people’s minds. For many, books are essential. They provide food for thought. At a time when our thoughts are running wild, escaping into other experiences, or trying to understand what’s happening through the lens of historical accounts, is a kind of lifesaver.

As concerns over coronavirus continue to spread throughout the world, staying at home might be starting to get boring. People stuck at home with nothing to do will have a lot of spare time to look for something to read.  So now, there’s a lot of reasons why they will start reading books. People nowadays use the internet for online shopping and that includes book purchases too.