Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Reflection of the Horse

Once a horse was tied up and stumbling to loosen, and a demon came and set him loose.
The horse got into a farmer's property and began eating the sowing.
The owner of the estate got angry he took his rifle and killed the horse.
Then the owner of the horse also got angry took his rifle in revenge killed the owner of the estate.
Then the wife of the estate owner saw him and killed the horse's owner.
Then the horse owner's son got furious and killed the estate owner's wife...
Neighbors angry, killed the boy and burned down his house; then they asked the demon;
Why did you do all that?
The devil replied, I just let go of the horse.
Moral :
The devil does simple things, because he knows evil is in our hearts and alone we do the rest.
That's why it's good to think before you act, so that an unimportant thing causes a lot of damage.
Remember: the word has power.
to give life and to give death.
To bless or to curse...
Think before you act...
Think before you speak..
Once a horse was tied up and stumbling to loose, and a demon came and set him loose.
The horse got into a farmer's property and began eating the sowing.
The owner of the estate got angry he took his rifle and killed the horse.
Then the owner of the horse also got angry took his rifle in revenge killed the owner of the estate.
Then the wife of the estate owner saw him and killed the horse's owner.
Then the horse owner's son got furious and killed the estate owner's wife...
Neighbors angry, killed the boy and burned down his house; then they asked the demon;
Why did you do all that?
The devil replied, I just let go of the horse.
Moral :
The devil does simple things, because he knows evil is in our hearts and alone we do the rest.
That's why it's good to think before you act, so that an unimportant thing causes a lot of damage.
Remember: the word has power.
to give life and to give death.
To bless or to curse...
Think before you act...
Think before you speak...

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