Friday, June 28, 2024

Grasshopper and Little Frog: Poem

 Grasshopper and Little Frog: Poem

The little Frog went on a journey,
Crossing the Country Way:
Little Frog, hop, hop, hop.
Little Frog, stop, stop, stop.
Suddenly, spotted Grasshopper joined the voyage,
Taking the little one on the back to go on passage.
Little Frog jumped,
Grasshopper bounced.
Hop, hop, and hopping,
Without any stopping.
The cross the side road,
And start to look very broad-
One for a pound,
Another for a green grass bound.
After a big day outing,
Was time for afternoon gigging.
The Grasshopper tired of jumping,
Decided to swing and sing.
Soon the bushes and the tall grass
Attracted the mass,
With loud chirp music,
Something like tzic, tzic, and tzic –
The loud sound of the sandpaper
And this does not matter,
When the Little Frog wanted to join the chorus of tzic,
Instead, he made the sound of qua, another music.

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