Monday, June 17, 2024

Being a Father

 Being a parent is a wonderful experience and yet the most challenging experience.

A father has to have the consistency of the sculptor who carves in stone his work, the pulse of the painter who draws curves on a canvas, the ear of the guitarist who hones his instrument.... it's not about your children being a replica of you or what you've dreamed for them. It's not about forcing or forcing them to act one way or another. It's more like serving them as a charm, teaching them in which direction is the infinite path of virtue and that they decide when and how to follow it. Let them fly on their own wings and always keep the nest open.
As a parent you should listen more than talk. Sometimes, until you hear the guy's cry for help, even when it doesn't measure a sound.
As a parent, there is no better way to exercise authority than through your own works. You can't ask your children what you haven't tried before.
Being a parent forces you to be brave, even when fear tries to take your breath away. For your children you will breastfeed a dagger, to avoid a scratch.
Being a parent can leave you exhausted at times, but always satisfied and never disappointed.
Being a father is so great, it's even better than being a son.... and that I got some excellent fathers.
I don't get tired of being a father, just like I don't grow tired of being a son.
The responsibility of being a father is so much, that on your shoulder's rests, even, the right choice of the mother of your children.
Being a parent goes beyond just one Sunday a year. It's worked every hour and every day, until the very end of the road.
Being a father is the best thing that has ever happened to me, it has been so good, that even at the risk of being called insanely ill, if I could decree that more than one Father's Day, we should celebrate every day as "Children's Day."

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