Monday, May 27, 2024

Telegram, Telegram: Poem

"Telegram, Telegram:" Poem

We started to use less ink

When thinks started to think.

The modern digital revolution

Is the continuation of the computer evolution.

Telegram, Telegram,

You are the one,

You are beautiful, and you are mine.

Text me a message

For private advantage.

Telegram, Telegram,

You are the one.

Telegram, Telegram,

How it has come

That my Honey is so yummy 

And my Bunny is so funny?!

Telegram, Telegram,

You are the one.

Maybe I'm not the most important person

In your life,

But I hope when you hear my name

You will smile,

And say,

Hey! -

That is my blue heart friend.

Telegram, Telegram

Honey Bunny, you are the one.

Why was it made?

Join the private crusade!


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