Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Iodized Salt


❤️ How I Stabilized My A1C (fast)
…and Reclaimed My Life By Doing “This”.
It was just another hectic day at the hospital, or so I thought.
I had been running on fumes, barely keeping up with my patients, when suddenly…
The unthinkable happened.
As I rushed down the stairs to grab a quick lunch, my vision began to blur, and the world around me started to spin.
Before I could even react, my body crumpled to the ground, and everything went black.
I eventually came to in the hospital bed with the bright hospital lights shining in my eyes…
Only to be hit with the most devastating news of my life:
"You have Type 2 diabetes," the doctor said, his words like a punch to my gut.
I felt my whole life come crashing down, my retirement plans slipping away.
As a nurse who had worked with diabetic patients for years, I’ve seen first-hand what diabetes does to people.
I’d seen patients lose their sight, watched as they had their legs amputated, and…
Even held their hands as they underwent exhausting dialysis treatments for kidney failure.
And now, I was facing the same fate.
I felt like a failure, like I had let everyone down - my patients, my family, and most of all, myself.
Desperate to change mt fate, I tried everything I could think of to lower my blood sugar.
I cut out all my favorite foods, started exercising until I was exhausted, and religiously took my medication.
But no matter what I did, my blood sugar levels were still a complete rollercoaster.
…And I was at my wit's end, feeling like I had exhausted all my options.
I figured this was just my new reality – a shadow of her former self, forever struggling to keep my blood-sugar under control.
But then, everything changed.
One day, as I was heading to the break room, I overheard something that would completely change my life.
Mary, a fellow nurse who was retiring in a few weeks, was excitedly discussing her BIG plans for retirement with another colleague.
I knew Mary had been battling Type 2 diabetes for years, so I was surprised to hear the joy and confidence in her voice.
Intrigued, I joined the conversation and asked Mary how she managed her condition while still living life to the fullest.
She smiled warmly and told me about the various things she had tried over the years…
The strict diets, the exhausting exercise routines, and the endless medication adjustments.
But then, her eyes lit up as she mentioned the one solution that she truly believed made all the difference.
As I listened to Mary's story, I felt a glimmer of hope for the first time in months.
Could this be the answer I had been searching for?
With newfound determination, I decided to give it a try…
And let me tell you, it was the best decision I ever made.
Within just a few weeks, I started noticing incredible changes in my health and well-being.
My blood sugar levels began to stabilize, and I had more energy than I'd had in years.
I stopped worrying about the complications and feeling guilty whenever I picked up a donut.
Now, a month later, I feel like a completely different person.
My A1C is in the normal range, and I've even lost a few pounds!
I'm back to being the nurse everyone can count on.
But most importantly, I've reclaimed my life.
So, if you're struggling with erratic blood-sugar and feeling like there's no hope, I’m living proof that it’s possible!

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