Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Interesting Facts About Books

 Here are some interesting facts about books:

1. Harvard University Library has four books bound in human skin.
2. Iceland tops the world in per capita book reading.
3. People who read books are less likly to develop Alzheimer’s disease.
4. In Brazilian prisons, reading a book can reduce a prisoner's sentnce by four days.
5. Virginia Woolf wrote all her books while standing.
6. The most stolen book is the Bible.
7. Roosevelt read an average of one book per day.
8. There are over 20,000 books written about chess.
9. Victor Hugo’s "Les Misérables" contains a sentence with 823 words.
10. Words like "hurry" and "addiction" were invented by Shakespeare.
11. If all the books in the New York Public Library were lined up, they would stretch 8 miles.
12. Leo Tolstoy's wife hand-copied the manuscript of "War and Peace" seven times.
13. Noah Webster took 36 years to write his first dictionary.
14. The Mahabharata is the only book or epic in the world with over 1,200 characters.

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