Saturday, November 19, 2022

Trees are Alike People

Trees are Alike People

Trees are like people.

They’re both powerful and peaceful:

Single, in groups,

One hundred years old troops:

Baby-trees in the nursery,

And trees with and old family history.


Unfortunately, some’re fading young,

With a sick trunk,

From diseases and termites’ attacks.

It’s always some old cracks

That follow

To flow.

Others are turning yellow,

From not enough water and sun to glow.

Many’re standing tall and green

Giving home for birds and insects,

With all the respects.

Leafless and evergreen –

Among them are ugly and those that lost the appeal,

Others, in bloom

Are just very beautiful!

 Also, the giving trees

Provide fruits to eats,

Deliver ozone

At the cool zone.

Several trees have odor and smell.


Trees with the bad mood

May swallow a person in their cocoon.

Of course, in general, trees attract people and birds.

Trees are the biggest rewards!


Everywhere you go –

In front of the window,

In the gardens and parks,

And other woody landmarks

In the giant tree world

Trees will keep your stress less.

Trees embrace peace and say ‘yes,”

In the ‘y’ shape’s way

As they spiritually pray.

Trees on the boulevards and busy streets,

Trees in the woods and green forests –

Everywhere we go,

The trees are saying “Hello!”

Our green trees

Hold the keys

To the natural landscape

And help to escape.

In the most of the world,

The ‘tree’ word

Is a popular cultural symbol,

Very simple. Trees are vital

And environmental.

They are common

As an earth’s econ.


I love trees

That surrounds me!

They give me comfort,

Energy, and every effort

To listen to the birds’ songs,

Covered in shadows’ oblongs.

Ida Tomshinsky@2022

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