Monday, February 23, 2009

Affording the Essentials is Essential

In today's economy, there are simple strategies for saving. Stretching a dollar doesn't have to hurt. Here are just few easy ways to make your money go further:

1. Shop and cook ahead,
2. BOGO for it: when you see buy-one-get-one-free deals or other sales on non-perishables or foods that can be frozen, buy it in bulk,
3. Bring your own food to work or school - it's healthier and more economical,
4. Instead of going to the vending machine, be ready with a snack you've packed from home,
5. Collect those coupons,
6. Pack your own brown bag instead of going out: you can eat healthfully and save dramatically,
7. Make your own coffee at home and save on every cup,
8. Dare to compare at the price-per-ounce or price-per-unit figures on the shelf to quickly find the lowest cost.

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