Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Sometimes We Meet



Sometimes We Meet

Sometimes you meet

People for a reason.

Sometimes they fit

And sometimes they do not.

Sometimes they use you

Out of the blue, very true.

Sometimes, it is a lesson

As an old fashion recreation.

The role of everyone you meet

It is to test you and to teach you.

The force from above is blue

And brings the best in you.

Amazing people are rare,

Life sometimes is unfair

But it’s always worse to live and breathe,

And feel blue in you,

Very true, very true.


Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Road to Heaven: Poem


Road to Heaven

I understand that nothing lasts forever.

Every chapter in the book ends.

Old pages of the past

Are not last.


The pages of tomorrow are blank.

I am patient and stay strong.

I do not blink anymore.

No time, therefore.


What is the road to heaven?

How far is it the way to heaven?

I think it could be far away,

But for me, I must see you once again.


Please, someone tell me –

It is controversial, could be,

I shall try

As I never said goodbye.

Coffee Rules


Coffee and Poetry: Poem

Long forgotten are winding minds
The stories can talk
The memories can hold
Both memories and stories of old.
Surrounded by time
Brings one regret
As time does not forget
Joy, happiness,
And awesomeness.
The tears of joy let them go
From the young to old.
What is left in the heart
Are the other arts
That brings hope, coffee,
And poetry.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Affairs of the Heart: Poem


Affairs of the Heart

I want to dance

A full length.

I want to hold your hand.

Your magic hand, your hand.


Music is slow and reached the heart.

Life, love, and laughter cannot keep us apart,

When you squeeze and hug

This magic night, this night

When we dance late in the moonlight.


Love affairs of the heart

Are the biggest art,

That cannot keep us apart!


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Biology Class: Poem

 Biology Class: Poem

I am here, and you are there.

I have the love for me and you.

You have to believe, it is true.

How do you reach out for satisfaction

To understand the realization?

I think that you need a cover

To stay on the same pathway with a lover.

I know that you want the best,

And I cannot fail the test.

Finals counts only for twenty percent.

If I get old,

It is nature's fold 

And biology's ball.

After bright and rich fall

Comes winter season's call.
