Sunday, January 5, 2025

Pronounced: Poem

 Pronounced: Poem

Brain damage pronounced - 

Body and mind,

No movement, no bound.

The body is warm

And the meds make kidney to pee.

I am here sitting in freeze.

Also, there are tubes,

But no moves.

Monday still alive.

Tuesday on the death bed.

One day sad and mad,

Next day a fighter.

OMG, please listen, he is a survivor.

One star in the universe

Shines brighter,

Other is tired and went to sleep.

Good night, sleep tight.

Night, night, sweet dreams.

Love and kisses

Both are endless.

The future life should be bigger than fears,

I should not be scared.

"It hurts, a lot, and always be

Adapt and take it," -

Said my inner me.
