Saturday, August 27, 2022

#Happy Reading

 "A rat in a maze is free to go anywhere, 

as long as it stays inside the maze."

(Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid's Tale)

"We all can dance," he said,

"When we find the music that we love."

(Giles Andreae, Giraffes Can't Dance)

"Time flies like an arrow

Fruit flies like a banana."

(Groucho Max)

Saturday, August 20, 2022

From Dr. Helen Chiringa Desk


Life has several stages and each

of them has its charms.

You have to know how to enjoy.

Life has several stages and each

You have to know how to enjoy

them and live them.

From each stage, there is always

a learning experience and that is what makes

us improve, that is the reason

why we come to this world:

to grow spiritually.

We must take advantage for each

stage of our lives to advance

in spiritual improvement. 

We hope you enjoy

this new stage to the fullest.

(Dr. Helen Chiringa, 2022)