Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A New Year...

It's time to look forward,
a time to look back,
a chance to look deeply within,
to take stock of the strengths
that we've gathered so far
and let new adventures begin.

A time to remember
the good times we've shared
with those who've been close in our hearts...
and to wish you and yours
every wonderful thing
life can bring
as the flesh new year starts.

Best wishes,
Hugs and kisses,

Ms. I.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

"Winter Stars" by Larry Levis

Sometimes, I go out into this yard at night,
And stare through the wet branches of an oak
In winter, & realize I am looking at the stars
Again. A thin haze of them, shinning
And persisting.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

"Jingle Books" by Angela Spence

Dashing through Bookland
In an open shelf book-cart
O'er the carpet we go
Laughing all the way, (hysterically of course)

Books on shelves fall over
Making spirits cry
Oh what fun Week 1 is so
An LRC song tonight!

Oh, Jingle books, jingle books
Jingle all the books
Oh I'm missing so many titles
That I really have to look

Oh, Jingle books, jingle books
Jingle all the books,
If you wouldn't mind checking for me
So I don't become a schnook!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


The eyes are to see

To look and give a glimpse of a view –

Sun rise, sun set;

To notice, gaze and steer at a sight,

To observe and perceive

The trees and the leaves -

Because we can eyewitness

Today and tomorrow, and the days after it,

And spot the characters and scenes

Of the real-life documentary

Observed and preserved in the me-mo-ry.


I love my eyes:

I can open and close them.

I can blink and sparkle,

And I can wink and twinkle.

My eyes can shine –

They never lie

And sometimes, they even have light!

Beside, my eyes can stand long in any face -fight.


Sometimes, my eyes can cry:

A fear, a shed tear, and a trace of smile

From my eyes –

Called ‘smiling eyes.’

Did I mentioned the glasses,

Little eyes’ helpers?

I love the eyes’ shield

Sheltering the wrinkles

And guarding the age.


His eyes are dark brown

As old-tree bark

Brown as dark chocolate

Shiny as brown polished shoes –

You can get lost in the deepness of lines –

Opposed attractiveness

And magnetism of eyes –

His eyes are dark

As black coffee cup.


The dark brown eyes of his

Are all the above,

‘Fete de la vision’

For the dear eyes

And vision sharper as ice,

Stronger as eagle’s watch.

Cheers!  We cheering and clapping

For the outlook success!
Written in May of 2014 by Ida Tomshinsky

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

What's for Sale?

The History of Fashion Accessories series is growing. You will be able to find books on
popular fashion items to accessories fashion items in the following order:

"Socks: History and Present,"
"Gloves: History and Present,"
"The Diary of the Handkerchief,"
"About Being able to Look GOOD in a Burlap Sack,"
"The Chronicle of Hats in Enjoyable Quotes,"
"Aprons: A Tale of Tradition."

All these books written by the long-time Librarian and talented Florida Author, Ida Tomshinsky.
Order Today! Call 888-795-4274, ext. 7879.
You may order online at www.xlibris.com,
www.amazon.com, and www.bn.com.
You may visit your local bookstore in any city or country.
The books are available in tradition printed way as gift books with color illustrations, and also
in eBook variations.

If you have any comments or questions, please post them. Ms. Ida will answer all of them.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Happy Morning Moments

For me, the happy morning moments start with a great cup of coffee. The aromatic smell of the deliciousness of exceptional beverage such as coffee brings a smile on my face, not to mention energy and satisfaction of the morning. How much energy? Enough to bring this moment of simple happiness, and harmony too between the mind and the body.

Of course, making coffee is not cooking, but it is wright for me to put on my apron and use my favorite coffee mug to make the transition from kitchen to the table.

My laptop is in front of me, and I can enjoy the happy morning moments.

P.S. And if you want to learn more about the history of kitchen attire, please purchase the new book entitled "Aprons: A Tale of Tradition" written by Florida Author, Ms. Ida Tomshinsky. The book is available in the local bookstores, at www.amazon.com, www.bn.com, www.xlibris.com or call 888-795-4274 ext. 7879 to order the book today.

Monday, August 11, 2014

An Apron

We all noticed chefs in our favorite restaurant, at one point or another. We recognize them by their signature hats and chef aprons. Chefs have used cooking aprons for a countless number of years. Not only is it the attire-of-choice at many high-end restaurants, but also the chef aprons are the functional accessory to their wardrobe.
Chefs wear cooking aprons for several reasons. In the kitchen, an apron is worn below knee-length to prevent burns from spillage. If hot water, oil, or any other liquid spilled onto it, the apron can be quickly removed to minimize burns and injuries. They also have pockets to carry utensils from one part of the kitchen to another. Chef aprons serve a variety of purposes and most of us will admit that chefs wearing cooking aprons have a more professional look.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Kitchen Affairs

Traditionally, the kitchen was always the central part in our house where people come together in an informal way: talk, have a bite, and watch how something aromatic and colorful is sizzling on the pan. Breakfasts, lunches and snacks are accessible, but when we have our family time and family-style celebrations, we all gather around the table. And how we are celebrating? We are celebrating with food. We celebrate according to the tradition with friends and family, food and style: fête de la gastronomy! Nobody will argue that preparation to the festivities is as important as celebration itself. The preparation plan in reality is an action plan that includes the what, when, and for how many.

The kitchen is for giggles and ribbons, and icing-smudged hugs in ruffled aprons, and for a home-made cake-bake for weddings, showers, graduations, Mother’s days, and birthdays, and any party time too, to start the little stomach rumbling dance. As usual parties involve lots of planning and prep, cleanup and cooking – right? In many cases that’s true.

Apron from a cotton shopping bag from Springer

I do not have a sewing machine in my household. The apron below I stitched by hand from a cotton shopping bag that was given away by Springer Publishing company which I picked up at one of the conferences as a given away freebie. I liked the sophisticated enough graphics in the mirrored pattern. The minimalism of black letters with a dash of orange and the strong accent of the Springer’s logo that includes the head of a horse has the modern look. All I did, was tear apart the material on the both sides of the bag, and made one piece of rectangular fabric long enough to make a half-size apron, added the bag’s handles as strings for both sides and decorated each side with a vintage button. I decorated the bottom part of the apron with a vintage orange trim to highlight the graphics’ accent of the letterings', and creased the waist area. It came out a beauty!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Mother's Apron

"The greatest of the treasures
That old apron can hold,
Was the endless love from Mother
And everlasting ability to each fold."

(Mother's Apron, n. d.)


Thursday, July 31, 2014

Ida, Why History?

The writing and teaching of history is more of a kind of a literary rather than scientific discipline. To me, its comprise the body of knowledge that is neither wholly objective nor subjective - it is history!
Beside, history at its best, is personal and participatory.

History of fashion accessories is fascinated: removing the corsets, replacing the handkerchief with Kleenex, reinventing the apron challenged the ideas about sexuality, motherhood, housework, the socio-economical issues surrounded it, and citizenship as well.

Drawing the wealth of research, Ida Tomshinsky had written a groundbreaking new history of History of Fashion Accessories series that shows how men and women created much of the historic fabric of the modern life.

"The ephod was an apron-like garment, covering the lower back of the body, from waist to the ankles, with a belt that tied in the front." (Rabbi YY Jacobson, 1988)

The "Aprons: Tale of Tradition" not only constitutes the very objective item of historic existence, but shows how the rich history of the food preparation prevented and protected the body of kitchen personal from unsafe food preparation surroundings.

Readers will find in the book the kitchen uniform and the modern time's chef's specific attire that could be seen in the most restaurants from A to Z! The book answers all questions about the long history of the domestic kitchen apron, their types and fashion developments during past and review the modern present. The apron: the practical kitchen accessory marches in the 21st century with confidence, in fashion and style.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Book Review for "Aprons: A Tale of Tradition"

Since ancient times, aprons have been used as the simplest ways of covering the human body while preparing food. Aprons evolved into a practical way of shielding one's body from more just prying eyes. Aprons were frequently included in the chef's uniforms, household servants' wardrobe, from cooks to maids. From a simple garment to an essential protective layer, from the staid to the designer fashions, aprons have come a long way. They are currently at the center of the Renaissance of chic and practicality of the kitchen attire for chefs and modern women who like to cook and entertain.

Dancing Allowed in Kitchen

"I tied my apron strings and waltzed into the kitchen
To do all the things, that cannot be kept waiting!
And there by the sink waits a mountain of dishes,
And there all just for me,
I just smile and start to sing."

(Stokes, 2010)

History of Aprons

Historical nonfiction genre has been widely divergent in subject matter and approach. There is no reason to believe authorial creativity will dry out anytime soon. The history of food preparation's attire gives the overall and - long narrative swift movement throughout time and events in both commercial and domestic kitchens. "I am a Librarian: I bring history in my research and history of fashion accessories into my books." (Tomshinsky, 2014) To learn more about aprons' past and Renaissance of present please order and enjoy reading the "Aprons: A Tale of Tradition" book written by talented Florida Author, Ida Tomshinsky. The book covers both the chic and practicality of the kitchen attire for kitchen chefs and modern women who like to cook and entertain in style.

Monday, July 28, 2014

"Aprons: A Tale of Tradition" by Ida Tomshinsky

Last week was published a new book on History of Fashion Accessories on Kitchen Attire. The new book entitled "Aprons: A Tale of Tradition" by Ida Tomshinsky. T0 order the book call 888-795-4274 ext 7879, order online at www.xlibris.com, www.amazon.com, www.bn.com, or visit your local bookstore.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

This Is Just to Say

I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold

William Carlos Williams
from Collected Poems 1921-1931, published in 1934

Friday, January 3, 2014

Winter Trees

A liquid moon
moves gently among
the long branches.

Thus having prepared their buds
against a sure winter
the wise trees
stand sleeping in the cold.

From Winter Trees by William Carlos Williams

Happy 2014 New Year!